Yamaha See-Doo Challenge Poker Run

1st Annual Yamaha See-Doo Challenge is a Poker Run taking place at the Cape Coral Yacht Club on June 11th. This event is hosted by Midwest Food Bank – Florida Division. The Yamaha See-Doo Challenge focus is to raise awareness of hunger in our communities, raise food donations and raise funds for our programs. The Yamaha See-Doo Challenge is to, “SEE the problem, DOO something about it”, take the Yamaha See-Doo Challenge. This event will take place through the ICW of the Caloosahatchee River through the Islands off the coast of Ft Myers Beach, Sanibel and the Southern tip of St. James City.
The Yamaha See-Doo Challenge will consist of three top prizes of first, second, and third best hand in poker. Prizes will be winners choice and this years Yamaha See-Doo Challenge prizes consist of a GoPro Action Camera, Costa Sunglasses and Premium Life Jacket set for 2. Come out June 11th and kick off the summer on the water.
Event will also have a flyboard on-site for a show before and after event and opportunities to rent for a fun experience after the event on the beach of the Cape Coral Yacht Club.