Embodying the Power of the Zero Stress Zone with world-renowned Yogi Amrit Desai

Peggy Sealfon – Stonewater Studio presents a 2-day workshop with world-renowned Yogi Master Amrit Desai, September 23-24. The event Embodying the Power of the Zero Stress Zone offers a rare opportunity to learn from a recognized master. Attend either Friday evening 6:30 to 8:30 pm ($39) or Saturday 8:30am to 3:30pm ($115) or both $133.
“It’s a privilege to share Yogi Desai’s breakthrough approach with my community,” says presenter and long-time Naples resident Peggy Sealfon. “His techniques are highly adaptable and accessible which can activate a rapid transition in anyone’s life.” Sealfon admits: “Attending one of his workshops over 10 years ago changed my life and ignited me to pursue the path I’m on today as a Personal Development Coach and so much more.”
Absolutely no experience is necessary to learn the transformational methods which Yogi Desai communicates with humor and clarity. Participants learn powerful ancient techniques that can be incorporated into everyday modern life. Deepak Chopra has said that Amrit Desai’s “…authentic core principles, techniques and tools help even the novice student enter the deepest levels of relaxation, tranquility and stillness…” The experience is immediately profound and sometimes the extent of the effects are not even realized for weeks after the weekend workshop.
Register at ZeroStressZone.info or call 239.821.2266 or email Peggy@StonewaterStudio.com