Miracles in Action and TV Survivor Star: Cindy Hall to host Cruise 4 a Cause on February 2, 2017
Miracles in Action, a non-profit organization and its founder, Penny Rambacher, are teaming up with Cindy Hall of the television reality show Survivor: Guatemala to host a Cruise 4 A Cause on February 2, 2017.
The cruise, aboard the Naples Princess, will set sail from Port O Call at 4:30 PM. All of the proceeds will go towards funding a water system to provide safe drinking water to the indigenous people of Guatemala.
Cindy Hall, one of the stars of the hit TV show Survivor: Guatemala is still drawn to the country after her experiences on the popular television show.
“The country captivated me and I am eager to do what I can to combat the striking poverty that I saw there,” Hall said. “I am excited to be co-hosting this event with Miracles in Action to save lives with safe water.”
The sunset cruise will include hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, a raffle, silent and live auctions. Beaded jewelry made by the women of Guatemala will be offered for sale, benefitting indigenous Mayan artisans who earn a safe and steady income to feed their children. Spotlight Magazine’s Ron Klein will serve as the evening’s live auctioneer. Auction items will include vacation trips, an elegant Cartier watch, and more.
“Water related illnesses are one of the leading killers of children in developing countries, but the solution to saving lives is simple and inexpensive,” said Rambacher. “Our primary mission is to empower people to help themselves, but children can’t make a better life for themselves if they’re always sick.”
Tickets are $60 per person and can be purchased at www.cruisingforacause.brownpapertickets.com or by calling 239-348-0815.
For more information about the mission and work of Miracle in Action, visit www.miraclesincation.org.