Ft. Myers: “Investing in Southwest Florida Businesses”
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
This event is being sponsored by
Leo Kremenchuker from the Kremenchuker Law Firm
Southwest Florida we are bringing together a panel of experts who who show you how to attract investors to your company and how you can invest here and abroad.
Meet our panel:
Frank Abernathy, Esq
Ita Nemoytin, Esq
Leonardo Garcia HABA
This meeting is being emceed by Keith Grossman, Esq. of Grossman Law and Conflict Management
Our featured Non-Profit Our Mother’s Home
Update of benefits from Ingrid Molina, Director of Marketing at Fuller Online Solutions, on all the FREE opportunities on our website for our members…
Pay on or before Friday, October 11th Member $22 Friends $28, after that date: member $28 friends $32. Please note that you must rsvp to attend as last month we ran out of seats!
Please note that this event fills up fast so you need to rsvp to secure your seat!
Professional head shots for members will be available Photo by John Fernandez at John Fernandez Photography
Non-Profits can put up a free table
Members can put up a table for $25
Call Jeanne for details 910-7426
Non-members are encouraged to attend two meetings, then we would like them to consider joining us and to be part of the Above Board Chamber of Florida.. For information call 239-910-7426 or visit our website at www.aboveboardchamber.com
The Above Board Chamber of Florida was the Champion of the 2012 and 2013 Southwest Florida Choice Award for Professional Organization from the Naples Daily News.