FPRA Southwest Florida Chapter to present “How do you know that tweet was effective?”

FPRA Southwest Florida Chapter to present “How do you know that tweet was effective?”

Professor Andrea Fortin will serve as speaker for the next monthly luncheon meeting of the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Southwest Florida Chapter from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 6 at Florida SouthWestern State College. Fortin is the program chair for Hodges University’s Digital Media and Communications program.

Today’s ever-evolving communications landscape spans traditional, new and social media platforms. In an age of shrinking attention spans and competing messaging, user engagement becomes a moving target. How can strategists, content creators and community managers justify the value of their efforts and measure the effectiveness of an integrated public relations campaign?

Fortin will explain how to measure the impact of digital video, social media postings and messaging across a variety of channels with an assortment of colorful case studies. Learn how buying potato salad on Kickstarter became a popular phenomenon. Find out how an Indiegogo user raised more than $700,000 for a good cause—in just one month! Your business or organization could even be the next viral sensation.

The cost for attending the meeting, which will take place in room AA-177 (Nursing Building—visit www.fsw.edu for campus map), is $25 for members, $30 for nonmembers and $15 for students. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information visit www.fpraswfl.org.

About the Florida Public Relations Association
The Florida Public Relations Association is dedicated to developing public relations practitioners who, through ethical and standardized practices, enhance the public relations profession in Florida. For more information on the Southwest Florida Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association, visit http://www.fpraswfl.org.

This article was submitted by a Guest Author of the Above Board Chamber.