Getting Found – Making An Impression – Social Impact
Article as written for the Above Board Chamber, in Naples and Ft. Myers
Often times we meet at business functions and see the potential to really help a comrade become more successful in their business ventures.Now the task is to help that person have the confidence in you to really want to help them.
How do you make a strong second impact? With a clear memorable message, something that shows you know what your doing.
Video Email
How about a presonalized video email from you or your business? It works great for me.
Here’s an example that was going to be shown at the Chamber Luncheon, but the speakers weren’t working on the computer:
This takes about the same amount of time to create as an email. It is 10 times more effective.
About Creating Traffic to your Website and Social Media Platforms:
It isn’t important to generate tons of traffic to your website. What you want, are quality visitors.
Quality visitors are visitors that can make your cash register ring.
Your relationships matter on social media for search. If your social media friends and followers “like” you, you will rise in searches when their friends search for your goods or services.
What if your business is kind of boring to the typical person? Then you have to give them something they are interested in. Of course, that would be their friends.
Here’s an example of taking a business and utilizing friends in a manner that attracts attention and creates sharing opportunities.
We called it “Dancing With The Social Stars.”
You can view it here –
Total Cost to put on the promotion? About $10 per week to download the video from Jib Jab.
It brought the people in the videos tremendous exposure and created quite a bit of talk in the community and reached people that we normally would never reach.
If you are interested in the final tally of this promotion, you can see it by clicking here.