Charity for Change Receives a $10,000 Grant from The League Club

The Community Trust Fund of The League Club, Inc. has awarded Charity for Change a $10,000 grant to assist in the production of 22 new educational videos. These videos support the development of resilience and mental well-being in Pre-K to 5th-grade students.

The grant funds new GiverTV videos, an interactive video component of the Charity for Change curriculum. The educational videos help students practice nine character traits: citizenship, perseverance, kindness, self-control, tolerance, responsibility, integrity, cooperation, and respect. The public can view an episode of the new GiverTV videos by visiting

The videos enable at-risk Collier students to experience the following:

how they affect positive change for the benefit of others

increased resiliency and mental well-being

improved self-esteem

self-efficacy and belief they can accomplish goals

increased understanding and practice character traits, such as respect and cooperation

involvement in charitable and community activities

a positive learning environment

“We are grateful to The League Club for the generous support,” said Karen Conley, founder and CEO of Charity for Change. “This video initiative addresses the root of alarming increases in child anxiety, isolation, teen suicide, bullying and school violence by teaching children the foundational skills to build resiliency and mental well-being.”

For information on how to support Charity for Change in creating a world free of hate, violence, bullying and division by teaching children to care about each other and the world around them, visit
This article was submitted by a Guest Author of the Above Board Chamber.