SRMA to host networking social at Bury Me Brewing for manufacturers and business professionals
The Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association (SRMA) will host its next social gathering and membership drive for manufacturers and business professionals from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, June 23, at the newly opened Bury Me Brewing in Fort Myers. This social event provides networking opportunities for prospective members to learn more about the manufacturing organization from its members.
“Our goal is to provide valuable support and opportunities for manufacturers here in Southwest Florida. Monthly roundtable discussions, after-hours socials, plant tours, marketing, awards and recognitions are all part of the annual membership benefits,” said SRMA Executive Director Peter Bagwell. “All manufacturers who sign up or renew membership prior to June 30 will receive additional marketing perks on our regional website.”
The cost to attend the meeting is $20 for guests and $10 for members. Bury Me Brewing is located at 4224 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers. To learn more, visit
About the Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association
The purpose and objective of the Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association is to bring together manufacturers to encourage the economic development of Southwest Florida through manufacturing, and to act as a forum for the expression and exchange of ideas and information among its members. The SRMA provides the platform to promote the general welfare of our members in relation to economic, civic, and educational challenges. We encourage the cooperative interchange of information and assistance in all matters of mutual interest, fostering social relationships and community involvement among our membership.