Motivational Speaker and Life Coach Mary Lynn Ziemer Presents to Bonita Springs Rotary Club
Media Contact:
Living A Joyful Life – Mary Lynn Ziemer
Phone: (720) 270-3428
BONITA SPRINGS, FL – If the members of the Bonita Springs Rotary Club seem just a little “happier” these days, it’s because they recently had the opportunity to hear Motivational Speaker and Master Life Coach Mary Lynn Ziemer present to their morning Rotary group. The group meets on Tuesday mornings at Pelican Nest Golf Club in Bonita Springs. Ms. Ziemer was recently invited to speak to the group on the topic of “Happiness Delivers Results – How to Have Everything You Want in Life”
“I enjoyed speaking to this group of dynamic individuals who have an impact on our community, and felt that the subject matter was well received,” said Mary Lynn Ziemer. “Service groups, such as Rotary, play such an important role in helping others in the community. When a group has clearly defined goals, and is able to put certain practices into play, they are able to easily achieve their set forth objectives. These methods and practices can also be easily translated into the lives and businesses of each individual within the group.”
The goal of Mary Lynn’s presentation was to share insights and tools about how to achieve improved health, great relationships, and find joy in life every day. She shared proven methods for helping people learn to alter their focus, overcome challenges, eliminate stress, and learn that happiness can be achieved on a daily basis. She also provided specific tools and methods for overcoming fears and limiting beliefs, and formulas for achieving goals that will bring these individuals more joy and abundance.
Mary Lynn Ziemer has served as the keynote speaker for a number of community events, and has hosted a variety of workshops and seminars. Her primary focus is to help people create abundance and joy in their life, both professionally and personally. She assists them in finding their true purpose, and creating and achieving goals around that purpose. In addition, she shares how it is possible to have perfect health, amazing personal relationships, and true happiness in all aspects of life.
For more information, or to schedule Mary Lynn Ziemer as a keynote speaker for an upcoming event, contact her at (720) 270-3428, locally at (239) 498-7290, or visit
About Living A Joyful Life
Mary Lynn Ziemer, a Certified Master of Advanced Life Concepts, Life Coach and Business Consultant, is the founder and CEO of Living A Joyful Life. She teaches clients hungering to lead more joyful and prosperous lives, using simple and proven techniques that work for the rest of their lives. As a Certified Life Coach and business consultant, her empowering coaching style and presentations fit both corporate and personal needs as she moves individuals towards positive change.
Mary Lynn leverages nearly 30 years of experience as a successful corporate leader and a trendsetting entrepreneur to work for her clients. She assists them in finding their true purpose, directing their career choices and personal relationships around that purpose, and creating joy and abundance in all aspects of life. She has had amazing results with clients realizing improved health, personal growth, and improved financial situations. For more information on Life Coaching services, business consulting or upcoming workshops, seminars, or keynote speakers, contact Mary Lynn at (720) 270-3428, locally at 239-498-7290 or visit All new clients are offered a free initial coaching session.
Mary Lynn Ziemer, CEO, Certified Master of Advanced Life Concepts