Cape Coral Volunteer Fireman’s Benevolent Association donates $125,000 for playground

The Cape Coral Volunteer Fireman’s Benevolent Association (CCVFBA) has donated $125,000 to Lee Health Foundation for resurfacing the infant/toddler playground at Lee Health’s Cape Coral Child Development Center. This much-needed upgrade will replace the current mulch and sand with a safer poured-in-place rubber surface, addressing key safety concerns for children at the center.

“Lee Health is honored to have the support of the Cape Coral Volunteer Fireman’s Benevolent Association,” said Katy Martinez, senior director of development for Lee Health Foundation. “Their generosity directly impacts the lives of our children and families by ensuring that we can provide a nurturing environment for their development.”

The current surface presents challenges, such as loose mulch that can be difficult to manage and sand that requires extra maintenance to ensure cleanliness. The lack of a smooth surface also prevents children from using developmental toys like push toys and tricycles. Support from CCVFBA will provide a safer, more suitable play environment.

This donation comes at a critical time, as the demand for services at the Cape Coral Child Development Center continues to grow. The center currently serves 90 children, with over 130 on a waiting list. This upgrade will allow the children to play safely, promoting their physical development while reducing maintenance costs and safety risks.

The CCVFBA board includes President Andre Panetta, along with Bill Gladick, Lew Gladick, Guido Orcile and Bob Philip. Since its founding, CCVFBA has been dedicated to helping children in Lee County, particularly in Cape Coral.

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About Lee Health Foundation

Lee Health Foundation raises philanthropic dollars on behalf of private nonprofit Lee Health to establish, expand and enhance innovative, lifesaving and preventative programs. The Foundation provides financial support for all five Lee Health hospitals including Golisano Children’s Hospital and Lee Health Fort Myers, opening late 2027, as well as many service areas including Lee Health Cancer Institute, Lee Health Coconut Point, Lee Health Heart Institute, Lee Health Hospital at Home, Lee Health Musculoskeletal Institute, and Community Health Clinics. Over the last year, the Foundation has distributed more than $27 million to support Lee Health’s mission. Please visit or call 239-343-6950 for more information about the role of Lee Health philanthropy in Southwest Florida.
This article was submitted by a Guest Author of the Above Board Chamber.