United Way School Resource Center donates bikes to students who walk to school

Thanks to the generosity of donors, the United Way School Resource Center was able to distribute 24 bikes and helmets to give to Lee County School District students who have to walk to school. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with United Way to transport and deliver the bikes to students identified by the United Way School Resource Center.

In Lee County, students that live within a two-mile radius of school are not included in the school bus route. Instead, these students must carpool, ride bikes or walk to school.

“We live in Florida and that can mean heavy sun, hot temperatures, or rain on any given day,” says Edelyn Castellon, senior program manager for the United Way School Resource Center. “For students that can’t afford a bike and have to walk two miles to school, bad weather can be a major reason for student absence.”

The bikes will help students get to and from school easier and quicker than walking. For more information on the United Way School Resource Center, visit UnitedWayLee.org/School-Resource-Center. People interested in donating to or volunteering at the United Way School Resource Center can contact Edelyn@UnitedWayLee.org.

About United Way
In addition to raising funds for human service organizations in our community, United Way promotes partnerships and collaborations among agencies, helping them to work together focusing on issues that continue to improve lives. United Way’s mission as a volunteer-driven organization is dedication to improving the quality of life for all people in our community. United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades was established in 1957 and over $232 million has been raised and distributed since that time. For more information, please call 239-433-2000 or visit UnitedWayLee.org.

This article was submitted by a Guest Author of the Above Board Chamber.